Somchyu chasoom taha lhahi hyullha thi

Dharma chakra khorlo thi of thirty three crore god and goddess
This pure preaching is belong to I Guru Remborchhe Chulthim Dorje Yontan Tulku Lhama Remborchhe, My hium chenmo choisum Lhamu Khandoma Dhongrab dhongbo and my daughter om mhahamaya mhahashakti Ama nhima sangmo dholmo yontan remborchhe, Nakhi tenjing gyachoo shitho lhachho, So pray from your heart to read and tell others this preaching which is our Dharma Bajra Shakti Dharma Chakra Khorlo.

In Tamang Language 

Om Nga Guru Remborchhe Chhulthim Dorje Yontan Tulku Lhama Remborchhe chu jhamboling kalingi gyurba dhuirhi jhambolingri chhyulu bhulkuri chhyula pema dhapki mhendori nga thungsi (nhima ku) Dhini ku (dawa ku) Lhani ku shengsi chu jhamboling sachhyaling lasi lhani dhini nhima hoiser phena lhama kalingi ghyurji. Dhosin nga guru remborchhe yontan lhama remborche se lhani nhi dhini nhi (nhima nhi) (dhawa nhi) jhambolingda sachhyaling thungna laasi lhani dhini nhima hoiser dhosin shyarna phena lhama choo jhamboling nhirem kalingi ghyurji. Dhosin somremlha dhuirhi thungrab nga guru remborchhe yontan se dhosen lhani ghi dhini ghi (nhima chig dawa chig) shengsi chhyulingda saachhyaling shengsi dhosin lhani ghi dhini ghi ( nhima chig dawa chig) shyarna lhamaa phena lhama chu jhamboling sachhyaling tasi jhokpachenbo tasi thoongji chhyaji jhokpa taji. Thye dhuirhi kalpa kalpa lichhang mhilhuiki mhang dhorje Remborchhe shengsi thoongnalasi nga dewa chyanari phepchi. Dhangbo dhangbo kalbo kalbo lichhang dhosen nga choo jhambolingla temal chyunnila rhisum dhumja mhalanga deurali ghombo kasungri thoonji phepnangji. Thye dhuirhi ngala hyum chenmo chhyoisum lhamu khandoma temal ghangla gyoighar ghang tongsung gyoirhi gyoila hriri dhongrab dhongbo dhongbori thungji thungalaji. Thye dhuirhi ngala deba chyanla jhame om mhahamaya mhahashakti bajrashakti hoiser nhima sangmo dholmo yontan ngani thungji. Nganilha mhahakala naakhi tenjing gyachho shitho lhachho thungji. Ngala hyum chhenmo chhyoisum lhamu khandomala ngala jhame om mhahamaya mhahashakti bajrashakti hoiser nhima sangmo dholmo yontan den mhahakala naakhi tenjing gyachho shitho lhachho nga ni yontan thi le lhachho lha jhyomosya senapati, dhagini, mokkon thungji. Thungba dhuhi lichhang mhilhuiki mhang dorje ta brelba jhomba phaatehu jhyang  chyup sempa mha dhasing dholmo mhilhuiki mhang dorje brelba jhomba somchyu chasum taha lhahi hyulha thungsala tamang chyunhilha dharma thi thanchhi jhokpachhenbo molam phulji. Nga ni la hidamse shyarr dorje sempa noop nawa thaye uuinampar naangche jhyangdhoyan dhuppa chyoikuntu sangmo nganila thi thungna laaji thye dhuirhi dhanchhyaji tiji. Choo la lichhang nga ni ghaade somchyu chasoom taha lhahi hyul tamangla hyul nga ni nawa thayeki shingkhaam debachyan phepnangba phepkhaba thi kalpa kalpa tiji. Kalpa kalpa lichhang choo jhamboling ri thungba tulba mhilhuiki remborchhe jhakola jhamekola se nganita debachyanari phepnangba dhuirhi dhangbola nganila dharma thi la lhengboda aangyanna nganita mhuna dhini dhini nuppa belari tilda rhangni nganita khlasi phepnangba tilda yori dhini nhima shyarba belaari dhye choo jhambolingri phepnangsi nga ni ghaade den dhini rhi dhye chhyaam dhanchyaba sungsi lhengbo ngyoibase dhini nhima hoiser nooppa nhense nga ni ghaade deba chyanri mhi lhui borsi pheppari aakhamba thi thye dhuhila choo jhambolingla jhakola jhamekola da tha aayangbase nga nhi gadese thye lhengbola namdar sungma sungma kalpa kalpa choo jhamboling rin dhanchhyatochi. Thyerang tabase nga ni ghaade deba chyanri mhi lhuiki lhui borsi phepnangba pheppari aakhamji. Thyerang tabase nga ni la choo mhi lhuiki lhui taa lhuiki chhawa nawa taba thi thansi lhuiki phungpa shiba biba min thansi. Thye dhuhi nhense nga ni ghaadela lhui nampar sekpa lhui phungsi choo te jhyaba lhuida ningche shemse khlaba sem atasai nga ni ghaadese nganhilha lhui choo jhambolingla temal chyunnila rhisum dhumja mhalanga deurali ghombo kasungri lhui khlasi choo jhambolingri chyolsi thanba nga shitho lhachhola kajhokpa chenbo nga guru remborchhe yontan nga la heum chenmo khandoma dhongbo dhongrab ngala jhame om mhahamaya mhahashakti aama nhima sangmo dholmo yontan bajrashakti hoiser naakhi tenjing gyachho shitho lhachho den nganila jhyomosya ghaade nga ni ghaadela lhui choo jhmaboling choonon hiulrhi khladhoji. Thye lhui  khlaba dhuirhi nga ni ghaade ta lhanan lhana sem sukhaba duhi taji. Sem sukhasai thyerhangba dharma karma thi yontan thi le lhachho thi dhanchhyaji tiji. Nga ni sem sukhasai choo ghaade jyaba lhuida  choorhin khlasi debachyan la shingkhamri phepnangji. Thye dhuhi nhense kalpa kalpa lichang dhosin choo jhambolingri mhilhuiki remborchhe ri nga ni ghaade tulpa (Aauatari) remborchhe tasi phepnangkhaba thi dhanchhyaji. Nga remborchhe yonjan rhuiri yontan tasi tulpa taji. Nga la jhame yonjan rhui ri yontan tasi tulji ngala heum chenbo khandoma dhongbo dhongrab bal dongri tulji. Thyerang lasin phepnangba phepnangkhaba choo de jyaba lhui choo jhambolingri chyolsi phulsi namparki sekpa shiba tashi thye dhui nhense choo Yontan yonjan den dhongrab dhongbo bal dhongri khandoma tulsi jhyomosya ghaade choo jhambolingrin lhuiki phungba shiba ghaade jyaba choo mhi lhuila lhui nga ni ghaadela thye dhuhi nhense dhaane chuirem nga ni jhambolingri phepnangkhaba lhui kurem hachhala lhuila choo chyorten nga ni syagya thupa yontan thi le lhachho lha chyorten dhesi chhyagi choo nhinlha. Choo chyorten dhesi chhyagida khajibai dhuhi khajibai mhuna khajibai dhuhila dhini khajibai choo jhambolingla mhi lhui ghaade naamsyu ghaade bhalang bhulung rhigibhugi saachhyaling muchhyaling lhani dhini Nhima dhawa hoiser lha lu khajibai lhama remborchhe gelung aani khajibai dharmala thi laasai dharmam ghinon nhinlha rhang ni mokkonse choo chyorten dhesi chyagiri ne lasi jhylsaam dhye thye duhiri mhilhuiki jhakola jhamekola phatehu jhyangchyup sempa mha dhasing dholmo gyamse aasungtoba aaphultoba lhengbo sungbase thye dhuhila bharje chhangbari choo neda jhyalsam dhye jhokpachhenbo tasi choo jhambolingrhi duhichig duhi ghi gyalbo chig ghlye ghi dharma ghi la gyalamri nga ni ghaadela yontan thi le lhachholha gyalbo chig thungba dhuhiri yeni ghaadese bharje chhangla bisi thye duhirin nganise sungbase rhangni ghaadese kalpa kalpa choo nganila yontan thi le lhachholha dharma thi lhengboda khensi ghosam jhokpachhenbo tala bisi thye duhinhense kuremla lhui somchyu chasoom taha lhahi hyul nga guru remborchhe nga la heum chhenmo khandoma dhongbo dhongrab nga la jhame om mhahamaya mhahabajrashakti aama nhima sangmo dholmo yontan hoiser den mhahakala naakhi tenjing gyachho shitho lhachho jhyomosya nga ni gadela dursa chyorten dhesi chyagi nhinlha. Mokkon se jyaba sem gyamse mhoiba dhewa kyapdho, higya, mhandal, soldeb, chedup, naangdup, lhesi, singtong, mhaning, guru dhakpo nga ni yontan thi le lhachholha thi da khensam dhye jhokpachenbo lhama remborchhe thunglakewa kela. Yeni mhilhui ghaade naamsyu mokkon ghaadese choo nga ni la dharma thi dharma khorlo ta ngo sesam dhye jhokpa chenbo lala bisi nga ni se mokkonda lhnengbo phulba sungba mula. Mokkonda nganihla kajhokpa chenbo molam rhangkheno. Nga ni ghaadela dhosin nga Guru Remborchhe Yontan nga Lha jhame om Mhahamya Mhahabajrashakti Hoiser Ama nhima Sangmo dholmo Yontan Yonjan rhuiri chunhirem thoongba tulba awatari tasi phepnangkhala. Nga la hium chenmo Khandoma dhonbo dhongrab bal dong rhuiri chunhirem tulsi phepnangkhala. Nga la Mhahakala Nakhi Tenjing Gyachho Shitho Lhachho Jhyomoshya ghaade choo jhamboling rhi chhyam chhyam non tulba  tala. Arku dhosin lha Lhuirim ghaade ghaade nga ni la kewa tala yeni ghaade se khenbarhi aakham. Yeni Ghaade se khenba dhui dhuighi dhuichig shyalghi shyalchig thungnalaba. shoba dhui dona karma shengsam dhey ngo se lha khenlha. Dhane nga ni shyaghya thupa yontan thi le lhachho lha hachhala lhuiki phungpa lhuikoo chorten dhesi chyaghi rhi thanba mula. Dhane chuilha lhui thenon rhisum dhumja mhalanga Deurali Ghombo kasung rhi dhosen nga ni ghaade mokkon lha ghaade jyaba lhui tirem mhi khladola. Choonon Jhambolingrhi phuldola. Phulsi dhosin nga ni ghaade mokkon nhirem choo jhamboling rhi rhui ghi rhi tulpa thungba tala. choo dhuilha lichang dhuighi dhuichig khala Dhuichig dhuighi phepnangkhaba gyalam khalai mhilhui namsiu ghaadese mokkon se aasosam aasengsam jhamboling sachyaling lhani dhini nhima dhawa mokkon lhaba lungsoor  Rhigi bhugi Chyiuling kalingi ghiurlha. Therangba dhui phep aanagba labhala gyalam dharma khorlo thi sengo aasengsaam kalpa kalpa mokkon choo de jyaba jhakola jhamekola bhalang bhulung rhigi bhugi sime bhume gangsa gangsa hyulsa aajyaba gyalmari phepnangsam mokkon shey sangbo mokkon shey kalingi gyurla. Khaimai kalpa kalpa choo rhangba nga ni shyaghya thupa yontan thi le lhachho lha thi choo rhi choo jhambolingri aata. Rhangkheno. Mokkon khenbala lagiri pema tasi chyuling Ghombo Kasung ri phepnangkhaba dharmala gyalam thi shyengo kalpa kalpa rhangnise shengsi karma shengsi nga ni lha Yontan shitho lhacho la ngoichi jhokpachenbo thi thansham kalingi aagyurr nga ni lha hrnagnita molam Rhangkheno.


In English Language


When this world was collapsed millons of era ago, I Sange Guru Remborchhe was appeared in the shape of lotus on the wave of lake and emerged nine sun and nine moon with earth. But after arising nine sun and nine moon all the things had been melt and destroyed.  Again I Sange Guru Remborchhe emerged two sun and two moon with earth. But after arising two sun and moon again all the things had been melt and destroyed. Finally third time, Thungrab I, Sange Guru Remborchhe emerged one sun and one moon by Bajra Shakti and transform the lake into the earth, then it was all right and the world is settled down. After millions of era, I left to Deba Chyan after generated a human with tail, Mhang Dorje (Human with Power of Supreme power). Again after a millions of era, I had appeared in this land at Hrisum Dhumja Mhalanga Deurali Ghombo Kasung of Bara Temal. And that time I transpired my Heum chenmo chyosum Lhamu Khandoma in the forest on the Lake of Temal Hill’s Gyoighar Hill Tongsum (Gyoirhi) at Dhongrab Dhongbo cast. That time my daughter of Dewa Chyan Om Mhahamaya Mhahashakti Bajrashakti Hoisher Nhima Sangmo Dholmo Yontan was appeared. My Heum chenmo chyoisum khandoma, my daughter Om Mhahamaya Mhahashakti Bajrashakti Hoisher Nhima Sangmo Dholmo Yontan and Mhahakala Nakhi Tenjing Gyachho Shitho Lhachho, by our yontan Thi, Lhachho’s Jhyomosya, Senapati, dhagini, all appeared in the same time. After transpiration of all, (Jhokpa Chenbo Molam) blessed to human with a tail Mhang Dorje (Power of Supreme power) by making law of religion thi of  Tamang chyuinhi of thoongsa of ( Brelba Jhomba Milan ) Phaatehu Jhyang chyup Sempa Mha Dhasing Dholmo power of supreme power human Mhang Dorje Brelba jhomba (Milan) thirty three crore god and goddess. Our power of supreme power Shyarr Dorje Sempa Noop Nawa Thaya Uui Nampar nangche Jhyangdoyan Dhuppa Chyoikuntu Sangmo our thi have been established that time. After that we (Somchyu Chasoom) Hyul of Tamang of Thirty three crore god and goddess, our thi for go and come to Nawa thayaki shingkham debachyan have been established for millions of era. After millions of era, when we had to return to Deba Chyan, Jhakola(son) and Jhamekola (daughter) asked us that why we must leave them and return to debachyan before sun setting, why we stay in day time only and for the reply to that question, we have to stay in this world for millions of era, we couldn’t return with our human body to deba chyan after then. So that our human body also has to suffer and meet to death, which law (thi) kept in that time to leave our beautiful body at Bara Temal’s Rhisum Dhumja Malanga Deurali Ghombo Kasung of this world. I Shitho Lhachho’s Kajhokpa chenbo I Guru Remborchhe Yontan My heum chenbo Khandoma Dhongbo dhongrab, my daughter Om Mhahamaya Mhahashakti Aama Nhima Sangmo Dholmo Yontan Bajrashakti Hoiser, Nakhi Mhahakala Tenjing Gyachho Shitho Lhachho and our jhyomosya all of ours body will be keep in this same place after death. And we were very sad to leave our beautiful body. We had to established thi dharma karma by yontan thi lachho thi (law),  although we felt sad to leave our beautiful body to Singkham of debachyan. After millions of era we remborchhe have to reincarnate (emerge and born) from that time, which thi (Law) had been established.  I remborchhe has to born in Yonjan dynasty as Yontan. My daughter has to born in Yonjan dynasty as Yontan. My Heum Chenmo Khandoma dhongbo dhongrab has to born in Bal dong cast. From that time we had been offered our body to this world after death (Nampar sekpa) I Guru Remborchhe and my daughter om Mhahamaya MhahaBajrashakti Aama Nhima Sangmo Dholmo Yontan have been born in Yontan Yonjan and my Heum Chenmo Khandoma Khandoma with jhyomosya have been born in dhongbo dhongrab bal dong cast for ten times till now, in which our nine times reincarnated bodies are put into chyorten (Stupa) Dhesi chhyagi of lhachho by we Shyagya thupa yontan thi. All religion is one by any time day and night, sun, moon, human of this world, insect, Forest, earth, sky,  Nhima dawa hoiser lha loo any Lhama Remborchhe Ghelung Aani any religion’s law to this chyorten dhesi chhyagi, where each must be visit to liberate by sin of question made to I Guru Remborchhe before leave for debachyan before sun setting by son and daughter heteu jhyangchhyuba sempa mha dhasing dholmo (gyamse), which question shouldn’t be ask by son and daughter of human. After only that religious tour to our place in this world there will be time for only one king one day and then every one can liberate from that sin, which had committed by we Yontan thi and everybody have to remember this for millions of era, by understanding this everybody should be fine (Jhokpa chenbo). From that time this place has been established as (Dursa) chyan chyorten dhesi chhyagi of nine times body  for myself guru remborchhe, my heum chenmo khandoma dhongbo dhongrab my daughter Om Mhahamaya Mhahashakti aama nhima sangmo dholmo hoiser and mhahakala nakhi tenjing gyachho shitho lhachho jhyomosya  of thirty three crore god and goddess. If every one do mhoiba, dhewa, kyando, higya, mandal, soldeb, chedup, nangdup, lhesi, sintong, mhaaning, guru dhakpo by good feeling and remember thi of lhachho of our yontan thi, Lhama remborchhe will reincarnate and everything will be fine. I remborchhe had committed to everybody to bless for well if all human and soul recognize our dharma thi dharma khorlo. Blessing to all from us, understand yourselves. From that time I Guru Remborchhe Yontan and my daughter Om Mhahamaya Mhaha Bajra Shakti Aama Nhima Sangmo Dholmo Yontan Yonjan will reincarnate for twelve times in yonjan yontan dynasty, my Heum Chenmo Khandoma will reincarnate for twelve times in Dhongbo Dhongrab bal dong cast and my Mhahakala Nakhi Tenjing Gyachho Shitho lhachho and Jhyomosya born in the same time of our reincarnation. In the next human body, how many times we will be reincarnate, you will not able to know.  You will be able to know by making good karma, you will understand by yourself  (Duhi Ghee) in the same time, until same face will be transpiration. Then you will have to remember and understand. Our past nine bodies are put into the stupa (Chyorten dhesi chhyagi)  of our Lhachho by thi of Shya thupa yontan dhesi chyagi. And our this 10th  reincarnation beautiful body have to leave again in the same place Rhisum Dhumja Malanga Deurali Ghombo Kasung. Again we will be reincarnate for two times in same cast in this world by leaving present body. One day the time will come for destroy all the things in this world and to stay away from it everybody have to go through dharma khorlo thi. Otherwise this wonderful world, son and daughter of human, insect, forest, hills, village will be destroy for million of era if anybody doesn’t follow dharma khorlo and our shyagyathupa yontan thi’s lhachho’s thi will not be present in this world for millions of era. Realize by youself . For understand all the preaching, everybody have to make religious path thi for Pema Tashi Chyuiling Ghombo Kasung . By making karma to keep our yontan shitho lhachho’s ngoichi jhokpa chhenbo thi for millions of era, and this world will not be destroy. We bless you all.